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Showing posts from December, 2020

The Kingdom Gift Card

  Again Jesus gave another parable about the Kingdom. "The Kingdom of Heaven is like a spindle in Walmart filled with gift cards." Wait, What? Think about how gift cards work. Someone who cares about you goes to a store, finds the card for you, and purchases credit to put on the card. Then, they give you the card as a gift. The card though is not really the gift. It simply gives you access to the true gift when you are ready to redeem the card. It's a gift you did not earn nor purchase. But it’s yours now, and all you have to do is go redeem it at that store.   Is the Kingdom any different? When Jesus died on the cross, the scriptures say this:   He redeemed us in order that the blessing given to Abraham might come to the Gentiles through Christ Jesus so that by faith we might receive the promise of the Spirit. Galatians 3:14 What if the good news of the gospel was explained like this: By His death and resurrection, Jesus has purchased a Kingdom gift card for everybody on...

Psalm of Dewey

My Lord and my God, I just come before you now in the heavenly courts. I stand in front of the courtroom and I ask: Is the King meeting today to address my accuser? Is the King of Heaven having a session today on Friday, July 31st? If so, hear my plea Oh Lord: Is the liar standing before the throneroom accusing me that I am a bad father? Is the liar standing before the throneroom accusing my children of being rebellious, unloved, disobedient, prideful?  Lord, I just pray and ask, how dare he? What gives him the legal right? Did he go to the grave, dig up our dead past and bring it before You? Was he out fishing in the Eastern sea of forgetfulness for the sins you cast there? Was he in the Western sea dredging for my sunken transgressions that you buried there? How dare the graverobber come before the courts of Heaven and dump this garbage on the holy table as evidence of his accusation! That is illegal! He has no license nor permission to go against my Almighty God and Your finishe...
  Shooting Blanks - Rest as a Weapon By Dewey Compton February, 2019 blog Have you ever considered the possibility that our adversaries are shooting blanks when they attack us? What if when we believe their lie, we re-arm the lie making it a damaging weapon? But Jesus “disarmed” the enemy.   (“Then Jesus made a public spectacle of all the powers and principalities of darkness, stripping away from them every weapon and all their spiritual authority and power to accuse us. And by the power of the cross, Jesus led them around as prisoners in a procession of triumph. He was not their prisoner; they were his! Colossians 2:15 TPT”) I asked the Holy Spirit about this one day. Obviously, the enemy is doing damage on the Earth. How could he be disarmed? Then this thought came to my mind: “He is shooting blanks.”   Immediately I was taken back in my memory to an experience I had while spending a week with the US Marines in San Diego, CA. We were standing by a tank listeni...