Again Jesus gave another parable about the Kingdom. "The Kingdom of Heaven is like a spindle in Walmart filled with gift cards." Wait, What? Think about how gift cards work. Someone who cares about you goes to a store, finds the card for you, and purchases credit to put on the card. Then, they give you the card as a gift. The card though is not really the gift. It simply gives you access to the true gift when you are ready to redeem the card. It's a gift you did not earn nor purchase. But it’s yours now, and all you have to do is go redeem it at that store. Is the Kingdom any different? When Jesus died on the cross, the scriptures say this: He redeemed us in order that the blessing given to Abraham might come to the Gentiles through Christ Jesus so that by faith we might receive the promise of the Spirit. Galatians 3:14 What if the good news of the gospel was explained like this: By His death and resurrection, Jesus has purchased a Kingdom gift card for everybody on...