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Encountering the Shepherd

Encountering the Shepherd

In the process of our lives.

Dewey Compton

June 20, 2018

We have a bike path here in Bakersfield that many walkers, joggers, and bike riders travel for exercise. I love it for the physical exercise too, but more for the relational revelation I get. Here is one God showed me recently on multiple rides. 

I saw all these sheep lying out in the open dry, dead field. Some were trying to graze on what was left growing. The others looked dead or just bored. There was no shepherd on site. I thought to myself, “Where is the shepherd? Why is he not taking care of his sheep?” This is a terrible place for them here in a dry, dead field. It’s hot, and little to no food to eat. I rode on thinking what an uncaring shepherd. Nothing like Jesus who cares for us and we know His voice.
Days later I went on another ride and said, “I wonder if these sheep are still here and if their shepherd is around and cares at all about them.” As soon as I said that, I pedaled around a corner and saw two shepherds. One was pounding metal stakes into the ground and the other was expanding the fence to the new boundary. 
I waved and rode on.

Then I returned to the place where the sheep were last time. Sure enough, they were in the same place. It looked like they were waiting or perhaps preparing to move to another location. 
Some were still trying to find food to eat in the dry, barren land. They were all together huddled up in the same area. I stopped to take their photo and then rode on.
Then I saw something that intrigued me more, so I stopped to take this photo.


There were a few... only a few sheep that were in the same boundary and same territory, but these had somehow found greenish pasture, food to eat amid all the others struggling and just laying around. They were in a different place than the rest.
So I rode on and began to process what I just saw. Here is what the Lord showed me:
1. The shepherd is always at work though we don’t always see him working. He is pounding stakes in the ground of our life and pulling the fence line out expanding the territory of His sheep, and it takes time and is a process. Wow! 
2. The shepherd knows his sheep need to eat to stay alive, so there is always greener pasture to be found in the current territory though it may be in the midst of the desert too. We might just need to leave the common flock to find the new pasture while our Shepherd is preparing to expand our territory.
3. When life feels miserable, hot, and boring, nothing to do, get ready because an upgrade is coming, and your territory is about to expand into greener pastures.
4. Be a different sheep. If the entire majority is miserable and bored go to a new location and trust the shepherd has something for you.  

Then on my ride back home, I saw this image of the fence where the sheep have rubbed against. I asked the Lord what this means. He said this:  “It’s OK to push against the boundaries I have you in. Though you want new territory now, and you want answers now, and you want resolution now in your current situations, you are learning to trust in My work. It is a process and you must enjoy the process. I see where you have pushed and rubbed against what is holding you back. Continue to grow and learn to trust me in the process.”

Wow! That is what I needed to hear as I am currently going through a process in my relationship with my wife. God is always at work in my marriage. He put it together and is expanding the territory for me to love Michelle better. I noticed my Shepherd was working to expand my territory in my marriage, but I wanted to see the new now and move into it now. It takes time and is a process. I am learning to love the learning as my Shepherd moves the fence line expands our territory and takes us into greener pastures.

What are you pressing into? 
What area do you need to trust your Shepherd in? 
Whatever it is, enjoy the process.


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